Mobile Biomass Pellet Machine Pros And Cons-part2
Mobile biomass pellet machine is developed for economical purposes, it is not easy for biomass fuel industry to compete with other traditional fuel companies in recent years, and the conditions will not get better in the foreseeable days. If you have read the news of America fuel, you would know that the mining of shale gas has the potential to change the fuel structure of the world, the point is the gas price has been going down since the America is trying to be independent on supplying fuel for domestic market. While there is only one problem-it couldn’t solve the problem of CO2 emission, which is unavoidable and need to be taken seriously now.
For large biomass pellet equipments has higher yield and has the advantages in controlling the cost in the biomass pellet plant. If the transportation cost could be calculated and limited to a reasonable level, large biomass pellet machine is definitely the right choice for the long run.
So it can be said that mobile biomass pellet machine market will exist for a long time, but it will shrink, with the biomass fuel industry becomes mature, the time for large biomass pellet machine will finally come, but it is not today.