Save Your Money and the Environment with Biodiesel Machine
GEMCO company has been focus on developing the biodiesel machines since 1994, our aim is to change the current situation of using fossil fuels as the main fuel and make some effort in the environment protection.With the global warming and climate disaster like drought, the global grain crops production is largely reduced, with the pressure of the arguments and critics on the rising oil and food price, the US government announced that releasing of petroleum reserve is still an option for dealing with the problems, but even if the measure is adopted, it is foreseeable and unchangeable that the oil price still has rising tendency.

Biodiesel is known as the new fuel for engine, and a lot of people choose to use it for their cars now, like the Australians. Some people might think that the diesel is not good because of the smelly smoke it causes, but after being processed properly, the problem of smoke can be avoided. The combustion efficiency can be the same as the fossil fuels, with the subsidy from government, the price sometimes is even lower than petroleum.
With the biodiesel fuel produced by our biodiesel machine, you can get the mixed bio-fuel which can be perfectly used on many engine types. We would be glad to answer all your questions and resolve all the problems on biodiesel machine.