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How to solve the problems existing in raising rabbits

Introduction of raising rabbits

Rabbit is a kind of animal food with high protein and low fat, becoming more and more popular among us. it has indirectly led to an increasing number of rural rabbit breeding. However, it needs a wealth of professional knowledge and practical experience for feeding rabbit. It is important to choose the right feed for rabbits,   it will cause unnecessary economic losses if the inappropriate feed is used. According to statistical surveys, there are three common issues for feeding rabbit in rural areas.

Problems existing in raising rabbits

The main problems about food security are the disproportion of food distribution and incompleteness of the nutrition structure.

Abuse of feed additives. 

Many farmers take the feed additives as a panacea for improving production. But  it seemed to be having the opposite effect. The abuse of additives not only increases feed costs but also disrupts the balance of various nutrients, which is just not worth it.

Incompleteness of the nutrition structure.

The main problems about food security are the disproportion of food distribution and incompleteness of the nutrition structure. The nutrition of feed is not comprehensive. Many feed ingredients in the market are mixed unreasonable or improperly, creating an unbalanced nutrition.

Replacing the feed is too fast. 

Many farmers should not directly change the feed,  which leads to poor digestion of rabbits. Normal beneficial microbiota in the digestive tract can help feed digestion and absorption. It need an adaptation process if the feed changes.

How to solve the problems existing in raising rabbits

Farmers should choose a right rabbit feed pellet making machine to solve the above problems. The small rabbit feed pellet machine is mainly suitable for rural breeder and small scale farms. Compress suitable feed into cylindrical pellets which are easily for rabbits to eat and absorb comprehensive and enough nutrients, and plays a key role in its growth, resisting diseases, enhancing immunity. AGICO is one of the most professional manufacture of rabbit feed pellet making machine, The pellet machine we produce has the following advantages.

Satisfy the rabbit rodent behavior

We all know that rabbits have the habit of grinding their teeth. The feed pellets with higher hardness that are produced by the feed processing machinery under high temperature and pressure. This makes rabbits to chew for a long time while eating and meet their daily tooth grinding needs.

Improve the digestion and absorption rate of rabbit

Gelatinize the starch substances contained in the feed material by high temperature and high pressure, giving it a special fragrance, improving its palatability, and increasing the daily diet of rabbits. What is more, the fat, protein, and other substances inside the feed material that are difficult to digest and absorb in rabbit body. And they are converted into substances that are easy for animal digestion and absorption under high temperature and pressure, improving the the digestion and absorption rate of rabbit.

Reduce disease infection rate of rabbits

The process of high temperature and pressure can kill some pathogenic microorganisms inside the feed material, it improves the safety of the feed and reduces the disease infection rate of rabbits. And plays a key role in its growth, resisting diseases, enhancing immunity.


The rabbit feed pellet machine we produce has the features of simple structure, wide applicability, small footprint, small noise, and will not affect the normal life of surrounding residents. The rabbit feed pellet machine is flexible for different feed materials. The compressed pellets have a smooth surface, high internal ripening, high hardness, convenience in use and storage. If you have any needs, please contact us.